Monday, September 30, 2019

Striving for a First Class Restaurant Experience

No matter what type of business you have it is imperative to command a well educated staff who understands the importance of service excellence with every last interaction with the customer. Service excellence as it relates to the restaurant industry is a requirement since there are so many areas in which perfection is an expectation of the experience.These areas include but are not limited to customer service, education and appearance of your staff; as a subset this must include a certain level of enthusiasms, and always meeting and exceeding customer expectations. This is not limited to face to face interactions but it also includes the appearance of the establishment, the quality of the food, and the hygiene used to prepare the selections. It doesn’t matter how flashy your ads are, or how attractive your staff appears if the customer leaves feeling unfulfilled at the end of the experience.â€Å"†¦there are some basic truths about service. First, it’s always def ined from a customer’s perspective, never from ours.† ( This statement couldn’t drive home the point any more clearly. That is why it is so essential to train all staff employees in a consistent and engaging manor, while giving them some ownership of the corporate mission, and philosophy. It has become to regular of a process in this day and age of fast food giants, to want the customer in and out of the establishment as soon as possible with no regard to there lasting impression of the service.To mention a few chains, that I personally find less than delectable, such as the infamous McDonald’s who has allowed the quality of their food slip along with the comprehension of their employees. So much for service with a smile, most times you will find a miserable individual behind the counter with a distinct lack of enthusiasm waiting for their shift to be over.On the other end of the spectrum you find establishments such as The Cheese Cake Factory where service excellence is reflected through there training allowances. â€Å"†¦The firm spends an average of $2,000 on training per hourly worker each year. Everyone within the organization benefits from training and development initiatives.† They have truly set up policies to live by, which gages their turn over rate as a return on there investment. They are about fifteen percent below industry standards which currently hovers around 106% turnover.The key to having motivated employees and helping them to understand that they are part of something bigger comes first with the managers recruited. â€Å"†¦Most managers think that employees are motivated solely by money. But research shows that intangible items — such as appreciation for doing a good job, open communication and involvement in decision-making — often play a more crucial ro le in employee motivation.  These non monetary recognitions help to promote confidence, and ownership in the company as it relates to on going service expectations. In order for people to improve or get better at there jobs they must have regular feedback as to a â€Å"job well done† or needed improvement in certain areas. From a managers perspective it comes down to the definition of clinical insanity â€Å"doing the same thing and expecting different results.† A good manager knows how to motivate their employees, and will recognize opportunities to get different personality types to open up, and perform at their best.Involvement in decision making policies is another way to motivate employees, giving them an active role in when changing corporate infrastructure, makes them feel as if their opinion matters. Not only will most people with ambition jump at the change to take on additional responsibility but it will also create a forum to recognize other management abi lities already with in the organization.This forum will also allow for individuals to communicate openly with regards to there feelings about management, and where improvements could be made to the entire system. It easy for the â€Å"higher ups† to get disconnected with the flow of day to day operations, and for them to loose contact with there ever changing customer, with ever changing needs. Keeping an active pulse on these issues will allow for efficient adjustments to these changes, and a distinct competitive advantage.When talking about learning curves and on going education it is important to work with every individual inside of the organization, from the cooks to the managers. The frequency of the training sessions is a delicate line that must be addressed carefully. It is important to take the staffs availability, relevant changes to corporate processes, along with varying levels of learning abilities into consideration when outlining the training schedule.These fact ors are important because you do not want to spend to much time training those who already understand, while neglecting those that may require more a more detailed explanation. â€Å"Waiters, waitresses, chefs, and fast-food workers demonstrating potential for handling increased responsibility sometimes advance to assistant manager or management trainee jobs. Executive chefs need extensive experience working as chefs, and general managers need experience as assistant managers.†This is especially true for established businesses that need to keep the same quality expected from the presentation, to the ingredients. It is very easy to look towards cutting corners, and saving pennies when sales decrease, or when operating cost rise. This is more of a question when, and having strategies in force to circumvent these changes allow for longevity, and continued success.For this success to continue the training systems, and corporate philosophy must have exceeding expectations build in to the employees requirements.â€Å"THE contented woman, savoring Marko’s warm bread, stopped in mid-bite, looked puzzled, turned to her tablemates and asked ‘Why didn't I ever know this restaurant was here?’†Awe invoking service is a difficult task to attain especially when the customers perception of these services is becoming more and more expected. If this same awe invoking service is seen on a regular basis, then steps must be taken to bring the â€Å"awe factor† up a degree as time passes. If a customer is used to outstanding service and that one time receives a less than stellar dining experience the repercussions could be staggering. Bad news travels ten times faster and farther than good news, and that hard earned reputations could go right out the door with that one instance.In closing knowing all the techniques to provide a professional level of service in the industry is not enough to keep the business running. It also requires a clear u nderstanding of the foundations of good service and developing the staff and management to best to fit in the restaurant, and the customer. The key is to maintaining the most professional service of any kind and learning the consequences of not having the power of good service.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Budgeting and Business Planning Essay

In order to create the criteria for the committee we have to look at what they want from the project. Most businesses and organisations are in business to make a profit, however the committee has different aims and objectives compared to a normal business or organisation. They need to weight up the options of each proposal and decide which best relates to their aims and objectives. When the committee is considering which proposal to go with they should consider the following categories †¢Short-term Financial Benefits †¢Long-term Financial Benefits †¢Environment †¢Relation to aims Short-term Financial Benefits The committee needs to consider the short term benefits of each proposal. They don’t want to take on a proposal that has high start-up costs and doesn’t make a return on the capital within the first year. The committee does not want to be left in a high amount of debt if the proposal fails. If the committee is left with a debt they may not be able to fund other projects to further their three aims. Long-term Financial Benefits Long-term the proposals will give different outcomes. The committee needs to decide on how long they want to keep moult hall? If they want it as a long term asset which can help with their aims? Or do they want a longer term money making scheme to boost revenue which can be used in areas they already control. Environment Moult Hall comes with a huge area of woodland, they needs to consider the effects on the local plant life and wildlife that any proposal could have. They need to think, does it destroy plant life? Does it impact on wildlife habitats? Is their going to be any long lasting environmental damage? Relation to Aims The committee is based on three main aims. They need to consider these aims in making their decision, they can’t be making use of one proposal if it goes strictly against some of their basic aims. They have to consider their own image and brand, does a proposal give them a bad name/image considering their aims and objectives? Question 2 Jonathan and Ingrid’s proposal has some short term financial benefits, in the 30 week trial run moult hall turns over a small profit of  £1,646. When the committee takes their proposal in to consideration they should recognise this point, moult hall will be of no financial burden in the short-term 30 week trial. If the 30 week trial is to succeed then moult hall can have some structural work done costing  £20,000 which would close moult hall for four weeks after the trial. The structural alterations would increase the capacity of the site to allow up to 30 guests to stay at one time. According to Jonathan and Ingrid projections of a weekly cost per guest of  £66 and a weekly charge per guest of  £150 they are making  £84 profit per guest per week. With the structural alterations and the increase in capacity by 20 guests. The weeks after the alterations are finished they could make an extra  £1,680 per week, bringing their possible weekly total profit at full capacity to  £2,436 (allowing for one free space, 29 paying customers). Therefore they could justify the large  £20,000 outlay on alterations as moult hall would pay for these alterations in little over 8 weeks. So in the long-run moult hall could be a profitable project by the end of year one. The one drawback of this proposal is the loss of the usage of the minibus at weekends, which generated an annual income of  £1,040, however it can be argued that it is now being put to better use and that the money is being recuperated from moult hall. Break-even point Total expenses £63,880 Weeks until break-even47.3 Guests until break-even473 As we can see from the table above moult hall will have to attract 473 guests a year to break even when they can only hold 10 guests per week. Equally they would have to run for 47.3 weeks a year at full capacity to break-even. This gives them an average of 9 guests a week. If they were to structurally improve moult hall so that they can hold up to 30 guests a week then the figures would look very different as shown in the table below. Break-Even Point Total Expenses £63,880 Weeks until break-even point14.7 Guests until break-even point441 Although a similar amount of guests is required the amount of weeks at full capacity has drastically dropped from 47.3 to 14.7. Their average guests per week has dropped from 9 to 8. Although this is not a large drop, in comparison they only have to fill 8 out of 30 beds compared to 9 out of 10 beds in the 30 week trial. The environment and its protection are very important to the committee and are mentioned in their main aims. Jonathan and Ingrid’s proposal helps the environment and makes the most of moult hall, if a garden was to be kept at moult hall the guest could tend to this and grow vegetables and recycle waste in a compost, which in turn could be re-used on the garden making moult hall very self-sufficient and environmentally friendly. One of the major aims of the committee is to help and educate the young. Jonathan and Ingrid’s proposal does just this, by inviting young people from the surrounding area to come stay and learn about the countryside. The guests will be able to learn about different wildlife and plant life living in the moult hall woodland and surrounding areas. The committee has to consider how the proposal will relate to their own aims, with moult hall becoming a learning centre for the young the committee could promote the good work they are doing to increase t heir donations revenue and grow as a trust. Question 3 Winston’s proposal consists of turning moult hall into a quad bike track with lavish bedrooms in the house for guests. In the year one moult hall will turn over a profit of  £1,034,283.  £750,000 of this is guaranteed to the North West trust for the protection of wildlife and the other  £284,283 will go to Winston himself. Moult hall would be a great money maker for the trust with the guaranteed income of  £750,000 adding to the  £800,000 a year they receive from local donations and fund raisers, boosting their total revenue for the year to around  £1,550,000. Long-term moult hall will turnover similar amount each year as long as there is no dip in demand. In the second year when Winston doesn’t have any initial capital costs he will make a large profit himself of  £402,350. The funds the committee will earn from moult hall could be used in other areas to promote the protection of wildlife. Break-even Point Total Expenses £1,022,650 Weeks until break-even point35.9 Guests until break-even point538 From the table above we can see the break-even point for moult hall under Winston’s proposal. He would need to be operating at full capacity for almost 40 weeks a year to break-even this means he would have to attract 538 guests a year. On average to break-even Winston will have to have 11 guests a week. In monetary terms moult hall will be a very successful; however some parts of the proposal will go against the trusts main aims. The trust was set up for the protection of wildlife; one aim is to protect local wildlife and plant life. To make the quad bike track many mature trees will have to be removed in the grounds of moult hall. This will disrupt some of the habitats of animals in the woodland. One of the main habitats that could be disrupted is the nesting sites of the red kite. The red kite has only recently been re-introduced in to the United Kingdom after the success of similar projects in wales; the trust fully supports the work of the national charity that achieved this. The red kite was wiped out in the UK by modern farming methods which use pesticides to kill small rodents, which are the main food source of the red kite. The first aim of the Trust is to encourage farming methods that don’t hurt local wildlife and plant life. They have to consider how the disruption of the nesting sites would reflect on them if they took on Winston’s proposal. It may look bad as with one hand they are supporting the work of the charity yet they are making money at the cost of disrupting local nesting sites. Question 4a There are many different measures that to committee can use to measure the performance of moult hall such as: †¢Monthly financial reports †¢Committee inspections twice a year †¢Variance analysis – comparing budgeted figures with actual Variance Analysis The committee could use variance analysis; variance analysis is a comparison of the budgeted cost of running moult hall and the actual cost of running moult hall. They could see if the costs of moult hall are favourable or adverse. If the results are favourable then this means that moult hall is running at a cheaper cost than they originally budgeted. However if the results are adverse then this means that the cost of running moult hall is more than they budgeted, this could be due to higher food prices or a larger light and heating bill than first anticipated. Variance analysis will give the committee a good idea of how much difference there is between their original planned budget and their actual outlay. This will be useful in determining weather moult hall is a financially viable option. Monthly Financial Reports The committee could ask for the manager of moult hall to send them monthly financial reports so that they can keep track of the performance and see if they are making or loosing money. They could let the financial reports come in for a few months or even up to year. This way they can identify trends and high and low seasons. They may find that they have a slightly seasonal product, as more people will want to be outside in the summer compared to the winter. They can also see if over a year they are getting an increasing amount of interest month on month or if they are losing interest Committee inspections Committee inspections could take place two or three times a year, the committee could travel as a whole or send a few representatives to moult hall to assess the upkeep of moult hall and the grounds. The inspection could also be used to see how the guests are enjoying their time at moult hall. The inspection team will then feed back to the committee who will have meetings on how to improve moult hall based on the feedback from guests and/or any improvements or checks that would need to be made to ensure the performance of moult hall is consistent. Question 4b When the committee is assessing the performance of moult hall they can use different companies to assess moult hall for them. The Environmental Inspection Agency (EIA) can carry out Environmental impact assessments. The committee could use this agency to assess the impact that moult hall is having on the surrounding woodland and grounds of moult hall. The committee can use this information to track the environmental progress of moult hall and see if the project is having a damaging or positive effect on the woodland and grounds. The committee could also use a survey company to produce a survey which can be given to guests when they leave so that the guests can give their feedback. The survey company can then use these results to produce accurate feedback to present to the committee. This method would be better than the committee asking the questions themselves as it will give a better representation of the guest’s views on moult hall. One company that they could use is amplitude research, this is a company that specialises in market research, Amplitude research can create a standard survey for guests which will make the results more comparable and easier for the committee to act upon.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Assignment 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Assignment 2 - Essay Example However, the study results from Wald Testing methodology and actual juvenile court records indicated there was not a considerable difference between neglectful parenting and authoritative parenting. This is identified in Table 2 in the study, however this was based on quantitative multi-variate testing and not only the self-report inventories returned by the chosen sample group of youths. The study conducted by Simons & Conger also predicted, based on previous literature, that authoritative parenting would breed better adjusted adolescents in relation to academics or the broader social environment. However, this article predicted that having two authoritative parents would be rare considering the dimensions of adult-based control needs that would negate both parents taking an authoritative role. The article identifies neglectful parenting styles versus authoritarian styles, with modifications for a variety of combinations of both styles. This study’s methodology differed and i nvolved questionnaires filled out by key sample participants and then a follow-up observational approach using videotape as documentation. Important dimensions of this sample’s self-reporting dealt with perceptions of hostility in the home, monitoring and parenting style.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Demand and Supply Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Demand and Supply Paper - Essay Example This people interact in the market freely, or at the time there is intervention by the government or local authority (Welbourn 2007). The forces of demand supply come together and make up the market equilibrium. If the supply of a certain good or service is too high, this will push the price for that particular good or service downwards. If there is too much demand in the market surpassing the supply, the prices of the goods or service will go up (Welbourn 2007). This is because their will be too much money chasing too little goods. For the market to be in equilibrium the forces of demand, have to come together. This will help to determine the price of a particular good or service. To help take in this concept, I have decided to elaborate the concept of demand and supply using a good that most people cannot do without. Toothpaste. Most people tend to be extremely uncomfortable when they do not brush their teeth using toothpaste. The dentists also recommend people to brush their teeth with toothpaste at least twice in a day. This makes toothpaste a vital commodity in every household. QQuantity The above are the demand and supply curves for toothpaste. The demand curve is determined by plotting price on the y-axis and quantity on the x-axis. Since tooth paste is packed in different sachets containing different quantities. One can obtain this information in the local supermarkets. We take the different quantities of toothpaste and the amount they sold for. Through this method, one can easily come up with the demand curve for toothpaste. The same process is to be followed so as to determine the supply curve. The curve obtained by plotting the quantity on the x-axis and price on the y-axis (Welbourn 2007). Equilibrium is the point where the demand and supply curve intersect. In our case indicates no allocative inefficiency. The equilibrium price is P while the equilibrium price will be Q. This, however, is not static as the prices of toothpaste are constantly changi ng. These fluctuations have an effect on demand and supply curves. This will in turn affect the equilibrium price and equilibrium quantity (Klein 2011). In our case, however, the markets are not in perfect equilibrium. This is because there might be excess demand or supply of toothpaste in the market. Another reason might also be that the market does not entirely depend on demand or supply forces to determine the market price (Welbourn 2007. There will be government intervention through taxes, licenses and various other regulations put in place by the government. There are two economic theories that may be used to explain this phenomenon. The first one is the theory of demand, and the other one is the theory of supply (Adil 2006). The theory explains the relationship between the goods demanded by the consumer and the prices. The more a good supplied in excess, in the market then the price for the good or service will drop. This will also have an effect on the equilibrium price as it will also drop. The other theory is that of supply theory. This theory explains that when consumers are in need of a product. That is the supply does not meet the consumers demand than the prices of that commodity increases. In other words, whenever the supply of a commodity is too much the price of a product will decrease (Klein 2011). For the market to be in perfect equilibrium, the following has to happen. The cost of production for any good or service should be constant. This

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Case Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Case Summary - Essay Example Helen must also become an attentive listener. F. Leigh Branham, the CEO of human resources consultancy Keeping the People, thinks that Sambians employees need a forum in which they can speak openly about their discontent. The candid discussions can expose the "triggering events" that impel people to leave, such as a disconnect between the firms long-standing focus on innovative design and a more recent concern with profitability. Jim Cornelius, the chairman and CEO of Bristol-Myers Squibb, once faced a potential employee exodus as interim CEO of the pharmaceutical company. He advises Helen to meet face-to-face with her most talented employees and assure them that she understands their concerns and desires. Jean Martin, the executive director of the Corporate Executive Boards leadership council, urges Helen to support a mission and culture to which employees will feel connected. She explains that although people join companies for rational motives, they stay for emotional ones. By the time unhappy workers tell their managers whats going on, its often too late. In this case study, an architectural firm has begun losing valued talent. But departing employees arent giving specific reasons for their defection. The company must determine how to stop the exodus. Readers will explore questions such as how the CEO can play a stronger role in retaining top talent, how to create a safe environment for employees to express complaints, and how to make leaders throughout the organization more accountable for attracting and retaining talent. There are trying times when businesses face enormous challenges in their normal operations. These challenges could be caused by circumstances like impacts of global warming, global economic depression and so on. Such catastrophes do have far reaching negative effects on the usual operation of the

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Personal Development and Careers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words - 1

Personal Development and Careers - Essay Example The process of learning leads to acquiring of knowledge. Learning is commonly defined as the process that brings together cognitive, emotional, and environmental influences and experiences for acquiring, enhancing, or making changes in one's knowledge, skills, values, and world views (Illeris, 2000; Ormorod, 1995)’.Learning process focuses on what happens when the learning takes place. There are various Learning Theories which explore the process of learning. A learning theory is attempts to describe how people and animals learn; thereby helping us understand the inherently complex process of learning. Thus, through this process permanent change in the behavior and pattern is observed. The change, which comes through learning, is permanent in the sense that it improves one’s performance in his/her field. Learning theories have two main functions. According to the definition by Hill (2002). â€Å"One is providing us with vocabulary and a conceptual framework for interpr eting the examples of learning that we observe. The other is suggesting where to look for solutions to practical problems. The theories do not give us solutions, but they do direct our attention to those variables that are crucial in finding solutions.† David Kolb’s, a pioneer in the field of learning, developed a model, which he published in the year 1984.Through this model was originated the Kolb’s Experimental Learning Theory. This theory establishes four stage-learning styles which can also be called the Training Cycle. In this four-stage cycle of learning, â€Å"immediate or concrete experiences provide a basis for observations and reflections. These observations and reflections are assimilated and distilled into abstract concepts producing new implications for action that can be actively tested in turn creating new experiences†. Through the entire cycle of learning, the learner touches the basis, that is, a cycle of experiencing, reflecting, thinking , and acting. Immediate and concrete experiences lead to observations and reflections, these reflections are then absorbed or assimilated as abstract concepts which in turn help in creation of new processes. Thus, Kolb’s categorizes learners into four types according to his definition. Convergers, Diverger, Assimilator and Accommodator. A learning process must accomplish all these four responses. Convergers are characterized by abstract conceptualization and active experimentation; they are good at practical application of ideas and proficient at deductive reasoning. Divergers are reflective in observation and they are imaginative. They have concrete ideas. Assimilators are capable of crafting theoretical models by means of inductive reasoning and Accommodators are good at actively engaging with the world. Kolb’s learning style methods are acknowledged by the academicians, teachers, managers and trainers. This model has helped people in learning and understanding human behaviour. Another model of learning is Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence Theory Model that offers simple and accessible methods to understand and explain people preferred ways to learn and develop. It is a classic model to understand and teach many aspects of human behaviour and intelligence, learning style and personality. It is also a widely accepted model in the field of academics and industry though developed initially for psychology. In simple terms this theory is based on cognitive perspective. Gardner discovered seven

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

IN ORDER INSTRUCTIONS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

IN ORDER INSTRUCTIONS - Essay Example After finding the data, Friedman experienced difficulties in publishing her articles, books and magazines on the topic due to its sensitivity. Later on, she managed to publish a book in 1963. In the introduction part of the literature, Friedman calls the problem nameless. She goes further to describe the unhappiness women were going through in the 1950s and 1960s (Coontz, 2011). Friedman has discussed the lives of several housewives in US, and how dissatisfied they were as housewives despite having husbands and children and the material comfort provided by their husbands. According to Friedman, the average marriage age was going down as the birthrates were going up during the 1950s. Women were persistently unhappy in marriage despite the fact that the American culture firmly held the view that women could only meet their fulfillment in housewifery and marriage (Coontz, 2011). Friedman decided not to ignore the voice within the American women, which insisted that they needed more than a home, husband, and children. The Feminine Mystique further insists that editorial decisions made in periodicals about women are made by men. Men could fake stories like women are satisfied by their housewifery positions, and that they are neurotic careerists to create â€Å"feminine mystique.† Feminine Mystique means that women are naturally satisfied of their housewifery roles. This fact contrasts the 1930 literature, which featured independent and self driven heroines who were career women (Coontz, 2011). Friedman recalls her decision of abandoning her career to raise children in conformation to societal expectations. The trend was the same because women were abandoning careers and studies to get married and raise children. There was fear that waiting for too long before getting married would scare potential husbands. Friedman has discussed how founders of feminism fought against the idea of confining women to housewifery. These feminists managed to

Monday, September 23, 2019

Breakup of the Soviet Union Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Breakup of the Soviet Union - Essay Example There were many reasons for the disintegration of USSR. Economic collapse: The cold war between the America and USSR had created a virtual battleground for the two countries in which both tried to get an advantage over the other. It initiated the race for arms and both countries tried to acquire and produce better weapons to keep the other country in line. For the USSR, the arms race created a lot of problems. A high amount of the budget was spent on the military while the industry and other sectors received only a very small share. Such a large yearly output being devoted only for the cause of military resulted in the decline of the country’s economy which finally went into stagnation. The two countries also engaged in a ‘space race’ releasing shuttles and satellites into the space to improve their technological standings. This also caused the USSR a lot of money and caused resentment among the general public as the amount was not being used to satisfy their basi c needs. A major blow to the USSR economy was also made by the change in Saudi Arabia’s oil policies.... Also the regions within the USSR like Tajikistan that had ethnic links with the Afghans did not favor the war and hence an internal unrest was born inside the USSR (The Collapse of the Soviet Union). Gorbachev's reforms: The stagnation of the country and the obsolete political system of the country forced Gorbachev to introduce new reforms that could revitalize the economy and stabilize the existing political conditions. He introduced two famous reforms namely 'glasnost' and 'perestroika' which called for freedom of speech and political reconstruction respectively. The reforms however backfired and lead to the collapse of USSR. The transparency and the freedom of speech allowed the media to talk about corruption, alcoholism, political scandals and other issues that defamed the government. As the events like Chernobyl disaster and the Afghan war began to be showed in a negative light by the media the distrust of the general public on the Soviet government gradually increased. The stor ies of political killings and massacres in individual states like Armenia instilled the spirit of freedom and peaceful protests like The Baltic way began to be held in the entire country (Spielvogel). The democratization brought in as a result of perestroika provided more authority to the public and they openly spoke against the government. Gorbachev's reforms might have been for the good of the country but it produced radical unforeseen effects and the timing was certainly not right as his reforms ultimately resulted in the disintegration of USSR. US policies: While the above three factors played the most important role in the disintegration, the role of US cannot be denied. Ronald Regan, the president of US of that time made use of the deteriorating conditions of the USSR

Sunday, September 22, 2019

How technology has affected you as a translator Essay

How technology has affected you as a translator - Essay Example The work can easily be sent and received across the cultural and natural borders. The translator may work for its clients from anywhere in the world. The market for the translator is not just limited to their own city or country. However translation is still considered to be a service whose dependence is based on high degree of trust between the translators and their clients. The translator may receive his high pay work mostly from the unseen clients living across the borders, as fees paid to the translators in different countries may vary, however the translators still believe that the best clients are made face to face. Technology has made the distribution of the large translation jobs quite easy between the intermediaries. Suppose if the client wants to market its product in 15 other languages, they would simply hire a marketing company. It is the job of the marketing firm to hire different brokers who then assign this job to a number of translation companies that further allocate the task to the translators that are often are freelancers. In such a case the company is usually paying at least three times more of what the freelance translator receives. However if the company directly assign the task to any freelancer then it be an advantage for the company as well as the freelance translator, as the company will be paying less for the same job and the translator will be receiving more. Technology has played a significant role in increasing the benefits for the translators; however the various consequences of the electronic communication have also increased the security risk. Translators are usually working on the material that is out of the public domain. This is what makes trust such an important factor in this business. Therefore while sending and receiving a file the translator must be aware of secure FTP, various forms of zipping and of encoding. There is no

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Socialism in Russia Essay Example for Free

Socialism in Russia Essay Socialism has its origins in the French Revolution of 1789 and the changes brought about by the Industrial Revolution, although it has precedents in earlier movements and ideas. The Communist Manifesto was written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in 1848 just before the Revolutions of 1848 swept Europe, expressing what they termed scientific socialism. In the last third of the 19th century in Europe social democratic parties arose in Europe drawing mainly from Marxism. The Australian Labor Party was the worlds first elected socialist party. In 1903, the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party began to split on ideological and organizational questions into Bolshevik (Majority) and Menshevik (Minority) factions, with Russian revolutionary Vladimir Lenin leading the more radical Bolsheviks. Both wings accepted that Russia was an economically backward country unripe for socialism. The Mensheviks awaited the capitalist revolution in Russia. But Lenin argued that a revolution of the workers and peasants would achieve this task. After the Russian revolution of 1905, Leon Trotsky argued that unlike the French revolution of 1789 and the European Revolutions of 1848 against absolutism, the capitalist class would never organize a revolution in Russia to overthrow absolutism, and that this task fell to the working class who, liberating the peasantry from their feudal yoke, would then immediately pass on to the socialist tasks and seek a permanent revolution to achieve international socialism. Nationalist tried to create regional self-government for the Assyrian people with the socialist ideology. He even wrote the Uremia Manifesto of the United Free Assyria. However, his attempt was put to an end

Friday, September 20, 2019

Dementia Symptoms, Causes and Strategies

Dementia Symptoms, Causes and Strategies Symptoms of Dementia Repetitive behavior- people with dementia may say or ask anything same over and over again. Repetitive behavior also occurs when they are unsettled and unsettled. Here are some of the examples of repetetive behavior it includes tapping, rubbing hands asking questions, making same noise, it can be very irritating for some carers and family with people living with dementia. It is usually caused by anxiety separation from loved one cauising consistent asking for their loved one or side effects of medications such us particularly repetitive movement, inability to express needs, trying to express emotion too many unfamiliar objects or sounds and sights that causing anxiety. The best thing to cope with this behavior was asked them to have a walk like in the garden, don’t tell them that they have already asked the same question, use calm voice when approaching them, and when they can still read, use signs like we â€Å"we will have and eat the afternoon tea at around 15:30 pm. Wandering- wandering is the major priority , it is the most common form of disruption with people with dementia. It is also due to forgetfulness and frequent need for stimulation. It is common cause of tension and anxiety for the carer and the people with dementia is the wandering. It can also triggers with medication which causes restlessness and unfamiliar environment assistant to find their way around plenty of reassurance may lessen the problem or if the person bored sad or lonely. It includes to keep the need and make the person safe allowing them some independence and choice can also be challenging for them, this can be resolve depending on several factors involving and including neighborhood environment, personality of the carer plus the coping mechanism. The coping strategy was encourage exercise such as walking, gardening or stacking wood and also provide good exercise and some interest give meaning ful activities such as folding clothes. Consider electronic buzzer, chimes, bell above door or a pressure sensitive mat if the person way out.Ensure gates are lock and also ensure she/he carries that can identify him/her. If unable to find within an hour let the police know and when the demented being found notify the police. Sundowning- it increased confusion and restkessness in person with dementia. It is means progression of dementia and it occurs more frequently during middle stage of alzheimers. People with dementia will become more confused restless or insecure in the late afternoon or early in the evening. They get worse after a change in routine, they become more demanding, become upset and disorientated, attention span during this time is limited they became impulsive they may feel see things that are unreal. The causes is there is a psychological or physiological function during tge day or each day that can increased confusion that leads to agitated behaviors. They become anxious going home and even finding mothers which indicate they need safety and security protection. If surrounding becomes worst early afternoon rest is recommended, offer a drink and do not restrain make them feel safe. Aggressive behavior- it can be due to verbal abuse like physical violence bitting or even scratching. It may trigger may be because of changes in the brain misunderstanding of messages being sent by the carers. It is also causes and lead to emotional harms to others or threatens. It can be reactive it can be overt and secretive. Environmental factors such as noise feeling of failure frustration and poor ineffective communication by staff, talking loudly being bossy, threatening tone and body language can trigger behavior. The coping mechanism involves use gentle approach, remove the person from trigger, smile, use distraction such listening to music, avoid confrontation which may worsen aggressive behavior. Rummaging- rummaging means to search thoroughly by handling turning over or disarranging contents, it also means searching thoroughly. People with dementia intrude into other private spaces and rummage when they are lost searching for purposeful activity, it triggers when the person is feeling of being unfamiliar in surroundings. It may be searching for a purposeful activity. The coping strategy is provide picture of something familiar on the door provide distraction, provide things or objects which can connect a person with their past, provide rummaging box or draw full of familiar items. Have an area or room provide client to rummage. Hoarding- people with dementia may search and find for something they may believe that is missing and they do hoarding and hoard things to collect them for safe keeping.It is a persistent difficulty discarding or parting or possessing because need to save them. A person with this experience distress thought of getting rid of items. It influence and triggers the behavior everytime they may feel insolated and they may feel neglected so hoarding is a common response to this. It can also triggers memories on the past like her sister is tooking her things. The person with this type of behavior has a fear of fear or loss. Catastrophic behavior- it is behavioral and emotional response in a situation which create a stress to people with dementia. It is a caused for a person with dementia and situation its beyond the person’s ability to comprehend. Trigger can lead to too much inform,ation, feeling of insecurity, changes of routine and environment, too much stimuli and unfamiliar noises can be a factor. The coping mechanism is use gentle, calm, slow speech, smiling and touch theraphy may be used , removed the person from the stimuli, and document if dituation may be avoided in the future. Changes in the Brain Changes that taken place in the brain and affect person memory mood and behavior it also depends on what part of the brain has being affected. Plaques and tangles stop communicating between nerve cell and caused them to die. It can trigger challenging behavior such as sundowning hoarding, aggressive catastrophic rummaging wandering etc. anger and agression are often directed to a family member because they are closest. The behavior is out of person’s control and they may be frightened by it they need assurance eventho it doesn’t show that way. Communication style of others- as dementia progress ability to communicate decreased and decline in language is lost that leads to frustration and anxiety. If they cant understand what people or carers saying this may cause them to act as a challemnging including aggression. Aggressive behavior may be a person’s way meeting the need attempt to communicate and can result of unmet outcome need. Approach by other people- Never ever approach from behind it can trigger challenging behavior, do not be loud and bossy cause it might upset the client and can make them feel angry and frustrated, different carers with different approach or changes in routine can trigger challenging behavior. Loss of choice- Other people may think people with dementia can not longer do thimgs for themselves and leave them out of decision that affect them. This cause frustrated to people with dementia it can cause angry because they are not being listened and they are being ignored, the person may loose confidence if there is a loss of choice including their ADL;s, activities and meals. They can become stress and have anxiety if they don’t have choice. Environment- The environment may not meet their needs or may be overstimulating too hot or too cold, noisy or bright can trigger their behavior, too much agitation but less stimulation can lead to boredom frustration and apathy. Sensory issues- Impaired vision and hearing can misinterpret sight and sounds in this it can trigger behavior issues. Poor eyesight and loss hearing may lead to anxiety, frustration and communication difficulty. Anxiety- Anxiety causes inability to carry out activity o daily living. Inability to understand words around them , inability to perform previous ability and anxiety can be due to multiple factor causing frustration which caused sense of loss. Cultural factors- In other instances client feels that they are not being understood. Dementia person may revert on their own language, become angry, anxious, and frustrated when other doesn’t understand what they are saying. Service limitation- Services may not be person centered in health changes they are not noted and reported properly. Carers and meals may not be on time which can greatly affecting the client behavior not enough staff on duty which client routines may change due to lack of staff that leads to challenging behavior. Physical health changes- An inability to communicate any pain or health problems may lead to anxiety and feeling of helpless. Infection, pain and constipation may lead to delirium. There may be pain illness infection or physical discomfort including being constipated or thirsty or from sitting for too long. Medication- Some medication can increase agitation and confusion new meds can lead to changes in behavior, side effects for taking too many medication may mean that person becomes more confused and drowsy. Challenges toself esteem and dignity- Need to accept personal cares may lead to loss of dignity and loss of independence, loss of privacy may lead to embarrassment sometimes person with dementia may feel useless and as unable to so such activity may feel burden to family. Loss of independence- person may becaome frustrated for not being able to complete the task.(e.g dressing up and feeding herself). Aggression may occur due to frustration with own inability to carry out previous task. Strategies for Dementia Care Behavioral strategies (diversion)- it can be a very effective way to challenging behavior it means distracting from present situation. Take them for a walk smell flowers, look at the garden, use of CD, playing music of their music song, encourage to do household task with a client who is capable of folding clothes. Etc. Individualised service plan- Services should be safe, and services providers shall ensure that a patient receives best possible care available and that patient is safe from harm for both themselves and others. Safe social and physical environment- when a person starts to wander and become dangerous to themselves it may be necessary to assessed as required stage 3 residential care. this is where all external gates to the facility are blocked and residents are unable to leave their own desire. As dementia progress person with dementia is vulnerable safety issue and requirements and protection is important not only from physical injury but also from exploitation and abuse. Individualised activity plan- Activities should be safe voluntary, familiar and provide chance of satisfaction and success. Each client have and requires activity plan. Avoidance of triggers- It is the key to management and problem solving consultation with family/whanau. Use of behavior charts and good documentation with times, location, dates and the staff involved. Ensuring that the care being delivered is client not task oriented, assist with ensuring values and self esteem. Timeout- timeout for person with dementia means gently taking their hand and encouraging them to walk away from a situation which causing them distress. Going for a walk, going back to their room or in a quiet area should be assisting in reducing should not be necessary toi restrain or shut someone into isolation. Communication techniques- It is provided and acknowledge required that carers should talk in a respectful and calm way to residents and even to staff’s as a sign of respect. Staff education and training- It is ongoing training and monitoring of systems and strategies. Manangement often offer trainings to staff to familiarize and know whats to do when the situation arises example falls, what to do etc. Debriefing- Support workers having regular meeting and discussion to relieve the stress and discuss concerns or just have a meeting and talk to relieve the stress. Having trained support workers such as team leaders to open discussion and assistance to other support worker. Stress management- Stress management is a spectrum of techniques and psychotherapies aimed at controlling a person’s level of stress especially chronic stress. One way to solve and lessen the stress was to d solving the problem which causing to stress thinking intervention how to deal with it remove yourself from the stimuli, listening to music watching movies and talking to friends to lessen and cope with the stress. Care Worker Strategies Personal restraint- it means that the service provider uses their own body to intentionally limit the movement of client upper body and arm that can be held to allow for a bloodtest, and a body and legs might be restrained for insertion of a catheter. Physical restrain- which limit a person normal freedom of movement mostly applied directly to a person’s body. Strap and lapbelt are used in a bed chair. Vest restrain-vest crosses body at the front and strap to secure at a chair or bed to decreased forward or sideway movement. Mitten restrain- restrain person hand to restrict the ability to use finger thumb. Wrist ankle-limit movement of legs/arm . Elbow restrain- preventing elbow from bending. Environment restrain- Reduction of social contact or intentionally removing environment stimulation, it is a change to a person surrounding that restricts or control movement example bed rails can be raised on side of the bed some are padded which make them suffer. Locked doors- locking doors to a room and certain area. It can stop people who are wandering to go into a place they are not supposed to. Seclusion- can be reduced if they are at risk of injury for themselves or other. It means locking a person in a particular room, it should be used in mental health and intellectual disability to prevent violent behavior compromising safety. Fences it can be used as a restrict on outdoors area, Indoors can be used in a corridor or at a top of staircase. Furniture portable tables or reclining chairs can be used as form of environment restrain. Important Factors for Dementia Care 2.2 Dignity- Restrain reduces dignity when our choices are diminished and we rely on others to meet our needs such as fluids,toileting bathing, etc. Person or support worker should make sure that they are continually aware of dignity am person. Privacy- Person al information should be stored securely and should not be visible to people who are not authorized to see it. Support- positive communication is essential to reduce agitation and anxiety. Should be within the person’s understanding and it may be repeated. Touch are useful ways to communicate with the person. Be sure touch is culturally acceptable for demented client. Communication- use simple short clear sentences as the person my be having difficulty understanding because of dementia, speak politely this will decreased client stress. Safety- document the use of restrain example progress notes, Make sure that it is culturally accepted, during restrain monitoring forms and if a new restrain it can be check every 15 mins, then it can become less if a person get used with the restrain. Process of Dementia Care Approval process- This is the first step before it needs to approved, before restrain full restrain can be used, any risk desired ourtcome, person age, gender, current treatment, recovery plan, possible alternative, hoe the person will be affected, and the possible effect of this like confusion response on future treatment. Documentation- document sufficient detail and the intervention and outcome that is being done. Documentation is a legal proof of what is being done. It consist if details of advocacy, intervention and observation, and monitoring, type of restrain being used the time, the risk and the cultural considerations. Document it on restrain form which can be checked and fillup every 2 hours for the notes. Assessment is needed before the treatment is being started, it includes here the clients health gender, culture, if experience trauma, being abuse in the past , how long should be in place and what factor should be considered and what is the expected outcome on this. Informed consent- Informed consent is a process of involving indivisual and or their representative if the individual does not have the capacity to consent all involves needs to be appropriately involved and are willing to agree on what is being suggested.consent must be obtained before doing retrain. The ffg should be explained like what is the restrain being used, the risk and benefits, alternatives on the use of restain and the outcome of its use. Planning- The decision to approve for restrain on a client should be made only as a last resort, to maintain safety for the clients workers and others. It is also based on the information that is being gathered during the assessment process and the organisation policies and procedure. Care and Monitoring- The need for continuous use of restraint is continually monitores and regulatly reviewed to ensure it is applied for the minimum amount of time necessary. To minimize the risk of harm to the patient during anby period of the restrain the patient safety, comfort, provision of all are support and treatment must met at all times. Must check the color- the skin may also feel cool if blood flow is restricted the circulation restricted blood floew affects circulation which they may feel tingling sensation especially in fingers, hands and feet and toes. Sakin breakdown may occur especially in the area where the restrain is it can become red and will develop sores. Breathinh- The person should breath normally when the restrain is in the place if the person having difficulty of breathing the restrain may be too tight.Posture- if the person is uncomfortable the restrain may be too tight or incorrectly placed. Degree of restriction- there should be enough two finger space b etween restrain and person body. Comfort- make it comfortable to keepthe injury on its minimum.Personal needs- Ensuring that needs are met and opportunities to eat and drink go to toilet is being prioritized and being given to decrease the impact of restrain. Reporting and recording- A restrain is being registered or equivalent process is established to record sufficient information to provide audible record of restrain use. Organisation policies will describe what observation monitoring and unexpected changes you need to record and how often this needs to be done.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

A Christmas Carol :: English Literature

A Christmas Carol Christmas CarolA secular story of Christmas time in an urban setting, With a Christmas carol in mind, dickens set out to create a process in the minds of the Americans imagination. As a result of the industrial evolution and the growth of the families who were forced from their homes in the country and into the city, a whole new lifestyle for them? And as industrialization continued for many people in the city, working conditions got no better. As this increased, the social concern for reform also did. After the publication of the ‘Christmas Carol’ the ideas and concerns for many reform bills, sparked and increased debate over political and social issues. Whether or not dickens has a Christmas carol in mind for this, but it is however clear that the ‘industrial evolution’ has a greater part in making this story a tale for the times. Dickens was concerned with the working conditions of the people who suffered whilst trying to make a living; this is reflected upon the character of Ebenezer scrooge, a ghastly, old and mean owner who is hated by almost everybody, even by his workers. He did not care for them, or show them pity, he paid them minimum wage and if they didn’t like it, it wouldn’t matter, they would resign and there would be a queue for people wanting to work there as a replacement, scrooge therefore saw it as no loss. He knew this because during the industrial evolution there were more people than their were jobs, and people back them had to grab anything they could get, whether or not they would suffer or die earning their money, there were a limited amount of jobs. We also see scrooge making a rather harsh remark on the lives of the poor, where we see two men knocking on scrooge’s door for donations. He says that it would be alright for them to die as it would help the population problem. Also we focus upon the character of Bob Cratchit, who is one of scrooge’s workers. He is paid a meagre salary and can barely afford to feed and care for his own family, his son is dieing and he is too poor to afford proper medication for him. Even through all this, he still manages to have a Christmas dinner with his family and not let his situation destroy the spirit of Christmas. Bob Cratchit represents the working class that do their best to live on what they get paid and are thankful for their health. While some still argue to this day that dickens motivation for the

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Sigmund Freud Essay -- Freud Psychologist Biography Essays

Sigmund Freud Sigmund Freud was the first major social scientist to propose a unified theory to understand and explain human behavior. No theory that has followed has been more complete, more complex, or more controversial. Some psychologists treat Freud's writings as a sacred text - if Freud said it, it must be true. On the other hand, many have accused Freud of being unscientific, proposing theories that are too complex ever to be proved true or false. He revolutionized ideas on how the human mind works and the theory that unconscious motives control much behavior. â€Å"He applied himself to a new field of study†¦and struggled with an environment whose rejection of his work endangered his livelihood and that of his family† (Freud 3). His work greatly improved the fields of psychiatry and psychology and helped millions of mentally ill patients. Sigmund Freud was born on May 6, 1856, in Freiberg, Moravia, a region now in the Czech Republic. His father was a wool merchant and was forty when he had Sigmund, the oldest of eight children (Gay 78). When Freud turned four, his family moved to Vienna, Austria. After graduating from the Spree Gymnasium, Freud was inspired by an essay written by Goethe on nature, to make medicine as his career. After graduating from the medical school of the University of Vienna in 1881, Freud decided to specialize in neurology, the study and treatment of disorders of the nervous system (Gay 79). In 1885, Freud went to Paris to study under Jean Martin Charcot, a famous neurologist. Charcot was working with patients who suffered from a mental illness called hysteria. Some of these people appeared to be blind or paralyzed, but they actually had no physical defects. Charcot found that their physical symptoms could be relieved through hypnosis (Garcia 209). Freud returned to Vienna in 1886 and began to work extensively with hysterical patients. While discussing the case history of one patient, Freud said, â€Å"In the study of hysteria, local diagnosis and electrical reactions do not come into picture, while an exhaustive account of mental processes, of the kind we were accustomed to having from imaginative writers, enables me, by the application of a few psychological formulas, to obtain a kind of insight into the origin of a hysteria† (Freud 15). He gradually formed ideas about the origin and treatment of mental illness. He used t... ...ia 119).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Since the 1970's, many scholars and mental health professionals have questioned some of Freud's theories. Feminists attacked Freud because he seemed to believe that in some respects women were inferior to men. For example, he thought that women had weaker superegos than men and were driven by envy. He also thought that women had penis envy and were jealous of men. Other people challenged the theory that patients' memories of early sexual abuse reflected fantasies rather than actual experiences.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As a result of such criticism, most scholars and psychoanalysts now take a more balanced approach to Freud's theories. They use the ideas and techniques from Freud that they find most useful without strictly following all of his teachings. No one, however, disputes Freud's enormous influence. Works Cited Clark, David. What Freud Really Said. Scholden, N.Y: 1995. Freud, Sigmund. The Origin & Development of Psychoanalysis. Henry Regnay, Indiana Press, N.Y: 1965. Garcia, Emanuel. Understanding Freud. NYU Press, N.Y: 1992. Gay, Peter. Freud, A Life Of Our Time. W.W. Norton, N.Y: 1988. Macionis, John. Society: The Basics. Prentice-Hall, N.J: 2000.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Impact of Recess on Classroom Behavior Essay -- essays papers

Impact of Recess on Classroom Behavior When comparing the amount of time American children spend at ‘recess’ during the school day, you will see, that it is considerably less than the amount of time given by other countries. Japanese schools typically have a 10-20 min recess period between 45-min lessons or 5-min breaks between lessons, with a long play period after lunch. In Taiwan, schools typically have many recess periods during the day; children are also given 5-6 min of transition after recess in which to settle down. British schools have three 15-min recess periods throughout the day and 80-90 minutes at lunch. Many researcher believe that this recess period is key to classroom instruction. Research was done to determine the effect of a recess break on classroom behavior; specifically working, fidgeting, and listlessness. A southern urban school district with a ‘no recess policy’, granted permission for two grade 4 classes to have recess once a week so that behavior on recess days could be compared to that of behavior on non-recess days. Because recess was not in the normal daily schedule, the students would not anticipate it, and this anticipation could not effect the results. The days for recess were chosen randomly so that a pattern would not develop and be anticipated. The study looked at 43 children, 18 boys and 25 girls, from a variety of backgrounds; socially, ethnically, and economically. The school was located in middle class-upper middle class neighborhood and serves neighborhood children as well as children bussed in from transient housing. This quantitative study explained very clearly the types of children that were to be studied, the specific controls that would be used, and the results that were being anticipated. Researchers conducting this test were looking for the effectiveness that recess has on the student, if any. The children were placed into two research groups; A and B. Classroom A’s normal morning schedule is as follows. 8:00-9:30 Instruction in their own classroom 9:30-11:15 Mathematics and science in another classroom (where they were observed) 11:15-12:00 Instruction in their own classroom On the days when the children had recess, they took a break from mathematics and science to go outside from approximately 10:30-10:50. Classroom B’s normal morning schedule is as foll... ...gnificant research for educators to know and that if used properly it could, and would, increase the learning in a classroom. Most public schools have a period set aside each day for recess that coincides with the lunch schedule. This proves that schools are taking advantage of the recess method. I think that the ‘anticipation factor’ is key to giving recess the greatest impact possible. Schools would have to devise a schedule that would shift the recess periods around so students would be unaware of the days scheduled recess time. This would be dependent on teacher and administrator cooperation. I believe that the research done has ‘real world’ significance to teachers and students alike. The changes that would have to take place are minimal and the effects that would be achieved are obvious from the start. Teachers everywhere would benefit from using this information in the day to day running of their classrooms by saving countless minutes trying to keep the class on task. We have learned that the most important parts to a lesson are the ‘first’ and ‘last’ facts. When you add recess into the daily schedule you have another ‘start’ and ‘finish’ for kids to remember.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Complex adaptive systems Essay

Introduction Organizations should always adapt to a changing environment. The business environment is characterized by a number of changes which are a result of many factors, both external and internal. Nature is continuously changing and adapting. According to the complex adaptive systems theory, organizations must keep on revising their goals to come up with something new. This can be done through testing new ways of doing things, as dictated by the changes in the society. The theory asserts that natural variations create confusion and chaos, and ensure long-term survival. In addition to this, some of these variations are useless to nature. The study of the relationship between chaos, adaptability and survival is very important for all organizations (Holland, 1992). For our case Company, Costco, the managers must understand how the natural world influences business strategy. The managers ought to take into consideration that only a few of the natural variations succeed. This has a serious implication on leadership and innovation at Costco. To be strategically placed in the retail industry, Costco ought to understand that there is a need to test survival strategies to identify the most adaptive innovation. Innovation is all about coming with something new, but it is greatly influenced by adaptive systems. A study of complex adaptive systems will help Costco understand how natural systems interact, survive and adapt over time. This way, Costco can up with a strategy that can remain relevant even when natural systems change. The company should understand that boundaries cannot be imposed from outside. For Costco these boundaries are management hierarchies, division offices, departments, and so forth. For the complex adaptive systems to function fully there ought to be continuous feedback. The feedback can be positive or negative (Lansing, 2003). Costco must understand that positive feedback will elevate their outputs while negative one will lower their profitability. For those reason, Costco should carry out forecasts to understand the future. References Lansing, J. S. (2003). Complex adaptive systems. Annual review of anthropology, 183-204. Â   Holland, J. H. (1992). Complex adaptive systems. Daedalus, 17-30.

Does the Labor Law Encourage or Discourage Unionization Essay

Yes they do. And the following is in support of that claim: â€Å"Often described as the ‘heart’ of the act, section 7 of the statute reflects the law’s basic purposes. It provides that ‘employees shall have the right to self-organization, to form, join, or assist labor organizations, to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing, and to engage in other concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid and protection’ â€Å" (Kohler, 2004). In addition, the labor laws tend to favor employee and union relationships. Labor laws do provide protection for union employees against wage inequality by defining standard minimum wage requirements and they address other workplace safety issues as well. These labor laws are authorized at the government level and thus allow any public employee to not only join a union, but create one (by organizing) should they so desire. And given the fact that the majority of the employees at West University are public employees, already in established unions, the organization process for the Resident Assistants (RAs). To help facilitate that process, the Graduate Employee Organization (GEO) was affiliated with the United Auto Workers (UAW) union. Although the workforce at West College is a majority of union employees, the non-union employees are not required to join any union due to the fact that Arizona is a right-to-work state. But again, the labor laws to prevail and allow a group of employees to legally organization under State and Federal laws. 2 – Do you think teaching assistants should be considered employees? If they are on a payroll as a W2 individual, and work a set amount of hours then I can’t any reason why they would not be considered employees. Similar to the Resident Assistants, I would imagine that the Teaching Assistants are also students who attend the college as well. Based upon the information provided, the Teaching Assistants are also unionized employees. Education aside, the skill level of the Teaching Assistant should not be a factor when it comes to joining a union, there should be some educational requirements for the job of a Teaching Assistant however. Although a Teaching Assistant does not have teaching credentials, hence they’re not on the same pay grade, but there is a fair amount of experience that a Teaching Assistant is expected to have to perform their job effectively. This does not mean that a Teaching Assistant could not handle the job of teaching a class if they had to, they just do not have the official credentials and could present to the University should they be put into a teaching position. For further clarification, there is a difference that should be noted between an assistant and an intern. Per the following example: â€Å"Intern: a person who works as an apprentice or trainee in an occupation or profession to gain practical experience, and sometimes also to satisfy legal or other requirements for being licensed or accepted professionally.† Whereas â€Å"Assistant: serving in an immediately subordinate position; of secondary rank†¦generally not in training for another role.† ( 3 – Do you think management’s reaction to employee interest in unionization differs if the employer already has a high union density among other employee groups? If a majority of the employees are already organized in some type of a union setup, then unfortunately, the only reaction that Management can have is to agree to other groups wanting to organization. That is unless Management can come up with some reasons why organization should not take place. This type of a balance has its pros and cons. If this is a type of an environment where a majority of union employees makes more sense, then this type of an arrangement can be productive if even more employees wanted to organize. And it might be best if management did agree to that because there is always the fairness issue that can come up of a group of non-union employees receives the same treatment that the union employees receives. In this case, that is the argument of the Resident Assistants. But at the same time, there are situations where it just makes no sense for a particular group of employees to organize. Now it is a great benefit for the employees to belong to a union but on the flip side of that argument, transitioning from a non-union environment to a union environment can be a lengthy and expensive process. The costs of running a unionized business can be quite. And the case of a University, those costs are not going absorbed as a lost by the school, but instead will be passed down to the consumer, in the case, the student. Thus the tuition costs will keep increasing, and the university runs the risk of losing business to the competition. It doesn’t matter if it is a university, is it still a business. 4 – What are the key factors that led some RAs to have interest in union representation? Do you think that RAs have legitimate job-related concerns, or are the RA complaints overstated? The working conditions of the Resident Assistants were starting to become a concern for the employees. The Resident Assistants have been assigned the task of disciplining their fellow students and were subjected to any pushback. Thus there is a potential conflict of interest since the Resident Assistants are overseeing the immediate area where they are also housed in. Although the Resident Assistants are paid a wage for their services, they are in fact full-time students. Per the labor laws, the University is not required to allow a group of full-time students to organize but it is not against the law Resident Assistants to organize. Now, the Resident assistants, do sign an agreement with the University detailing their job description and what is expected of them. This is certainly a valuable service that is being provided to the University, but at the same it does not warrant an organization movement in my opinion. Especially due to the natural turnover rate of the students (students graduating, etc.), a Resident Assistant is certainly not a long-term position and thus does not really justify signing a union / employee contract for any significant length of time. In summary, the Resident Assistants do have generally good talking points for organization. However, their job description does not warrant the added expense that the University will take on when that group is organized. Should the Residents Assistants job descriptions increase, then yes, organization would be a good idea at the University. But key to remember here is that the Resident Assistants are full-time students with less than part-time jobs that they want to unionize. 5 – Do the RAs opposed to unionization have legitimate concerns? How could unionization change the culture of Residence Life? Those concerns are quite legitimate, and in my opinion, more selfless and grounded than the rest of the Resident Assistants. As mentioned above, these are full-time students with a part-time that they are not being forced to do. They chose to apply for the position, and they signed an agreement of the behavior and expectations (minimum GPA, etc.) The Resident Assistant position should be used as an opportunity to gain some good experience such as what an intern would get but also with a financial incentive. By organizing, the Resident Assistants may miss out on the real experience of interaction with the culture of the campus residential environment. In other words, the resident Assistant would be focusing more on being an employee vs. being a student and a Resident Assistant. Thus, the Resident assistant could possibly be viewed as more of a security guard then someone who is on the same level as the other students. I’m sure there was a fair amount of thought that went into designing the position of the Student Assistant, and it appears that they divided in half. One half, being on the same page with the University in wanting to keep the integrity of the position; and the other half wanting to break away from University tradition and form a separate. Again, not a bad idea to organize if the students were going to be in these positions for a long time, but they’re not. It’s a very transient position. 6 – How does the law regarding union recognition for public employees in this state compare with the NLRA rules regarding union recognition for private-sector employees? There are some similarities. However, Section 7 of the law states the following: to engage in other concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid and protection,† as well as the right to refrain from engaging in any of those activities. (Kohler, 2004) Let’s look at the three key principles of the law as noted by Kohler: â€Å"There are three key principals on which the NLRA rests: 1) the exclusivity principle; 2) the notion of free collective bargaining; and 3) the structural autonomy of the bargaining representative of the employees (in other words, the independence of the employees’ labor union from the employer).† (Kohler, 2004) Breaking this down further, Kohler goes on to explain: Exclusivity Principle. The exclusivity principle is a basic feature of American-style collective bargaining. According to the exclusivity principle, the union representative selected by a majority of employees in a workplace becomes the exclusive (sole) representative of all those employees. (Kohler, 2004) Free Collective Bargaining. Free collective bargaining is the second basic principle of the NLRA. The act leaves the decision whether to organize entirely to employees.(Kohler, 2004) Structural Autonomy. The structural autonomy of the employees’ bargaining representative is the third key principle of the collective bargaining system adopted by the NLRA. This principle anchors the system of free collective bargaining.(Kohler, 2004) In addition, Section 8 of the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) states the following: â€Å"to dominate or interfere with the formation or administration of any labor organization or to contribute financial or other support to it.† (Kohler, 2004) 7 – Why did the LRC determine that RAs and CDAs were employees? Do you agree with the LRC decision? Why? Why not? In summary, I do not agree with the decision handed down by the Labor Relations Commission. Resident Assistants are really only student assistants that earn a small wage through the school year and depending upon the school schedule will not be working in the summertime. The decision to recognized students as employees is reckless and can have consequences down the road. This is a slippery slope. I don’t know the complete reasoning behind the decision of the Labor Relations Commission but if I had to guess I would imagine that there is a bit of a bias since the Labor Relations Commissions tend to lean pro-union. Another concern that the University should be aware of is that now that they Resident Assistants are organized, there is a possibility that these positions can be abused. Prior to organization, the Resident Assistant applicant would sign a Memo of Understanding (MOU) outlining the expectations that they were expected to meet. Being that they are organized now, the Memo of Understanding is most likely going to be tossed out the window and a new set of demands may start coming in over the years. Not to mentioned the future additional labor expenses that the University is going to incur. Works Cited Kohler, Thomas C.. â€Å"National Labor Relations Act (1935).† Major Acts of Congress. 2004. Retrieved October 18, 2012 from

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Character Developments: in Cold Blood

Character Development: Techniques Truman Capote used several techniques to develop the characterization of the killers in his book, In Cold Blood. But primarily, Truman Capote uses anecdotes to describe the characters of Dick and Perry. An anecdote being, â€Å"a short and amusing or interesting story about a real incident or person. † He does this by describing their child lives, and how they became who they are in the present.An example of how Capote described the character of Perry is: â€Å" He was seven years old, a hated, hating half-breed child living in a California orphanage run by nuns- shrouded disciplinarians who whipped him for wetting his bed. † Not only does he use anecdotes for describing Dick and Perry’s childhood but also their problems they face in their present lives at the time. Such as Dick’s sexual interests in younger girls, â€Å" He was sorry he felt as he did about her, for his sexual interest in female children was a failing of which he was ‘sincerely ashamed. ’† Or when Capote quotes Perry about the murder of Mr.Clutter, saying; â€Å" I didn’t want to harm the man. I thought he was a very nice gentleman. Soft-spoken right up to the moment I cut his throat. † This quote describes and confirms how Perry was insane during the murders that he committed. Capote uses this quote on purpose, because it describes how Perry’s intention was not to hurt anyone but it was a simple act of taking his frustration upon the Clutter family. Meaning that his anger was not because of the Clutter family, they just ended up receiving the end of Perry’s anger. In the story it seems as though the reader feels sympathetic towards the killers; Dick and Perry.Truman Capote does this mostly by describing the childhood of the killers, and what they went through as children that made a major impact on them now. Perry however, is more sympathized than Dick. It seems as though Perry had a ‘rougher upbringing’ than Dick did. For an example, when his sister sends him a letter of how disappointed she and her father are in his decisions. â€Å" Your present confinement is embarrassing to me as well as Dad – not because of what you did but the fact that you don't show me any signs of sincere regret and seem to show no respect for any laws, people or anything. Even though Perry made horrible decisions in his life, reading parts of this letter, sympathy can be a common emotion that the reader feels to see how much Perry was a disappointment to his family. Of course another key factor Capote used to gain sympathy from the readers was by writing them in the killers’ point of view. This way, you know more about the killers and their upbringing, and it makes you wonder if they really knew what they were doing.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Borderlands Gloria Anzaldua

Imagine present day Mexico, there are many popular Mexican staples that can come to mind i. e tacos, warm weather, and pesos. However, when you take a closer look at their culture it is clear that the Mexican people are very religious. More specifically they are very connected to the Virgen de Guadelupe. The Virgen is depicted all over Mexico and is one of their most celebrated and loved saints. The Virgen de Guadelupe originates from Coatlicue The Aztecs, a 12th century CE civilization, were very religious and worshiped many gods and goddesses. The ritual sacrifices that took place in the Aztec society influenced their everyday lives. The Aztec’s were highly spiritual, always inspired and taught by the gods and goddesses, for which they were the creators of the earth and life. â€Å"The earliest is Coatlicue, or â€Å"Serpent Skirt. † She had a human skull or serpent for a head, a necklace of human hearts, a skirt of twisted serpents and taloned feet,† (Anzaldua 49). She was a woman, an Earth Goddess, the beholder of all. â€Å"Coatlicue, Lady of the Serpent Skirt, contained and balanced the dualities of male and female, light and dark, life and death,† (Anzaldua 54). Since Coatlicue possesses these dualities she consisted of everything and in turn accepts all. â€Å"She is the central deity connecting us to our Indian ancestory† (Anzaldua 49). Of the many rituals performed by the Aztecs, only sacrifices would please her. The Spaniards embarked into the Aztec civilization during the 15th century CE. They were disgusted by the Aztec 2sacrifices, considering them barbaric. The Spaniards decided to disregard this ancient religion. â€Å"Coatlicue, the serpent goddess, and her more sinister aspects, Tlazolteotl and Cihuacoatl, were â€Å"darkened† and disempowered much in the same manner as he Indian Kali† (Anzaldua 49). Coatilicue became the good mother, split from her dark guises. The Spaniards along with the Church continued to split her. What they were doing was desexing Coatlicue; her dualities were never discussed again. The manifestation of this change is now called la Virgen de Guadalupe. Coatlicue is embodied in all of us . I feel that she is in everything around us as well. This is because she is good and evil; light and dark. What the Spaniards did was hide half of her. Letting only the good shine through and thus being unfaithful to the true Earth Goddess. Then there is the Antigua, somebody who is a greater figure, more of a divine presence. I think this is my connection with Coatlicue, the serpent woman, with la Virgen de Guadalupe, with what people call goddesses† (Anzaldua 241). The divine presence is what Gloria Anzaldua feels within her soul. She has unleashed a deep yearning that she has known her whole life. â€Å"The loss of a sense of dignity and respect in the macho breeds a false machismo which leads him to put down women and even to brutalize them. Coexisting with his sexist behavior is a love for the mother which takes precedence over that of all others. Devoted son, macho pig. To wash down the shame of his acts, of his very being, and to handle the brute in the mirror, he takes to the bottle, the snort, the needle, and the fist,† (Anzaldua 105). The western culture has morphed men into the almighty power. When Coatlicue ruled, women were highly regarded and men didn’t have superior attitudes. Since Coatlicue has been desexed and buried amongst the â€Å"voodoo† worshipers that we all laugh at today, there has been a major shift of power that was not for the greater good. I feel that if the 21st century can accept their inner Coatlicue this wouldn’t be common among men. This is because Coatlicue doesn’t allow this and men would be ashamed to put down a woman. Present day, many men think that its their duty to â€Å"wear the pants† in the family. Our dominant male society has caused women to become suppressed. Women still don’t receive equal pay and are pressured into a caretaker role in the household. The most upsetting aspect is that 50 years ago it was even worse and the progress women have strived for has only recently been accredited. Breaking the glass ceiling† is a common term amongst working women philosophy. However, I feel that there wouldn’t be a glass ceiling to break if Coatlicue was present in our lives. Anzaldua struggles with her many identities; her homosexuality is one which caused major conflict within herself and family. â€Å"We are ashamed that we need your good opinion, that we need your acceptance. We can no longer camouflage our needs, can no longer let defenses and fences sprout around us. We can no longer withdraw† (Anzaldua 110). Feeling this resentment towards your culture and your family is a huge struggle. Like many other homosexuals, Anzaldua wants to be accepted. It would be comforting to know that no matter what you were accepted. Sadly, this is not how our culture is and many of us, like Anzaldua, feel rejected. Coatlicue was the one who gave her strength when she was down and when Anzaldua needed her Coatlicue was there. Coatlicue accepts all; this is because she embodies everything and is not the good mother virgin that we are all accustomed too. Coatlicue is true to life and accepts the good and the bad. I am cultureless because, as a feminist, I challenge the collective cultural/ religious male-derived beliefs of Indo-Hispanics and Anglos; yet I am cultured because I am participating in the creation of yet another culture, a new story to explain the world and our participation in it, a new value system with images and symbols that connect us to each other and to the planet,† ( Anzaldua 102,10 3). Coatlicue is all cultures and this is why Anzaldua gravitates toward her in so many ways. Coatlicue doesn’t shun homosexuals or mixed races. This is because she accepts all life, Coatlicue looks beyond these superficial traits and looks inside of you to see who you really are. This freedom to be whoever allows everyone to express themselves freely. Anzaldua is drawn to this especially because she has a lot of distinct qualities that the western culture looks down on. Coatlicue allows Anzaldua to be herself free of guilt or shame. Anzaldua has a place with Coatlicue and everyone who believes in her spirit. â€Å"The mestizo and the queer exist at this time and point on the evolutionary continuum for a purpose. We are a blending that proves that all blood is ntricately woven together, and that we are spawned out of similar souls,† (Anzaldua 107). This is inspired from the meaning of Coatlicue. Anzaldua has a chance to overcome the obstacles she feels within herself. Globally we need to accept this because as time passes we will all blend into a melting pot†¦ to not accept one of us, is the same as all of us, bec ause we are all one of the same. Coatlicue is the heart of expressing yourself and the Aztecs understood the power of this message. No matter who you are there is a point in your life that you feel alone, left out, or different. During this time of stuggle is when you can reach for Coatlicue. She will accept you and not be disgusted with you like western culture. At times like these I wish I had Coatlicue. I feel as if knowing about Coatlicue I am a stonger person. As a Roman Catholic I have always felt that having the Virgin Mary’s grace and love was unobtainable. It’s not realistic to say you will never sin, never hate, never have any evil. Coatlicue is the true model of who and what we are. This is because we all have good and evil within us and Coatlicue is that. Gloria Anzaldua didn’t intend on inspiring or captivating the public. This naive way of writing, at some points almost talking to herself, is what I liked the most. This style of writing is very true to her and all that she discussed. With this, the outcome of Borderlands had a greater effect than Gloria ever thought. Especially when published within a western culture that doesn’t accept much. This acceptance shows the need people want to change, grow, and overcome these man-made obstacles built hundreds of years ago. Gloria’s book will continue to inspire countless generations and I truly feel that time will allow Coatlicue to rise again.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Analysing a newspaper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Analysing a newspaper - Essay Example The society was structured in a manner that male dominated over women. Most leaders were male chauvinists hence male supremacy reigned. The legal system did not incorporate ways of dealing with domestic violence. Most women who suffered violence ended up being victimized as part of the problem. The article on The Guardian website gives a review on how domestic violence issue has been handled in the UK. The news value is educative and concern peaceful co-existence in a family or domestic set-up. The news is also bad as it highlights violence in homes. Violence affects relationships and consequently leads to health and psychological problems. The news angle is neutral but rebukes perpetrators of violence. It does not support violence in heterosexual or homosexual relationships. The article has employed a criticism language on the government for laxity in coming up with an appropriate legislation in time. The editorial agenda is to sensitize readers on the need to stop domestic violence in families (Humphreys et al. 2013). The article gives insight on how the fight against domestic violence has come a long way. With no legislations relating to domestic violence, most men took advantage of the situation. However, with the emergence of civil and human rights movements, the vice came to shame. Most citizens became sensitized on the need for peace in the family. Couples had to find better ways to resolve their differences. Women’s Aid was founded in 1970 as a feminist movement and campaign tool. Domestic violence and gender oppression became a priority to deal with for the group. Domestic violence and numerous forms of abuse were decisively dealt with by Women’s Aid among other groups that were founded. In 1979, statistic revealed that two women got killed weekly by their former or current partner. The articles makes cites government statistics and other two sources on domestic violence. The sources add information about the

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Research Method - Feasibility Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Research Method - Feasibility Study - Essay Example As one of the most common mental health disorders, it is important for nursing staff to have a good understanding of bipolar disorder and how it affects the patient and their health. The most common pharmacological treatment for bipolar disorder is lithium salts, used as a mood stabilizer (Peacock, 2000). However, one of the most common side effects of taking lithium is that it increases appetite and thirst, and thus can cause significant weight gain in some patients. Some patients therefore request medication for their bipolar disorder that is not linked to weight gain, and thus the following PICO question (Chiappelli, 2010) was formatted: P – patients with bipolar disorder worried about weight gain I – other medication used in the treatment of bipolar disorder that are not associated with weight gain C – weight gain using lithium salts for bipolar disorder treatment O – control psychiatric symptoms whilst reducing the likelihood of weight gain The purpos e of this investigation is to search the existing literature on bipolar disorder and various medications to see if there are any that can be used to reduce mania, depression and weight gain. Discussion The literature chosen for this topic was found using the databases MEDLINE and OVID, two well-respected databases providing access to detailed and current nursing information. To complete the search, the search terms ‘bipolar disorder AND treatment AND weight gain’ were chosen, because this returned results providing the information necessary to complete the task. The search returned 6642 results, ordered by relevance. The five articles chosen were selected because they each discussed how a type of medication used for the treatment of bipolar disorder (not lithium salt based) affected patient weight and their symptoms of the disorder. As the search results were ordered by relevance, so results at the top were assumed to be the best for the research of weight gain and bipo lar disorder, although it would be impossible to brose 6642 results to ascertain whether this was the case. A search using ‘bipolar disorder AND medication AND weight gain’ was also conducted but the results from this search were not used because it returned many more results (over 10,000) and the returned results seemed to be irrelevant or all secondary sources. It seems that it would be extremely possible to complete a dissertation on this topic. The fact that 6642 results were returned from these two databases suggests that there is existing research on the topic that can be used to answer the PICO question in detail. It also suggests that the topic is of interest to those working in clinical situations, and that the weight gain aspect of lithium salts is bothering to many patients. The five articles suggested each describe a different type of treatment and how they can be used for bipolar disorder and how they affect the metabolism and weight changes within the body , and there were many more describing different treatments that may possibly be equally effective in treating bipolar disorder but avoid weight gain issues. The fact that there were so many resources in the literature also means that information can be found easily and used to the advantage of a dissertation. There were issues when conducting the search. There do not seem to be comparisons within the literature between lithium salts and the other types of medication suggested

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Leading and Managing in Organisations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Leading and Managing in Organisations - Essay Example Moreover, they also point out that interpersonal relationships are formed and reinforced on the basis of trust, openness and support. Communication is regarded as effective when the intended information is delivered in the right manner to the right person/people and in the right time. This process involves various elements such as the people involved in communication, i.e., communicator and the recipient, context/situation, method, and skills. More often, these elements vary with the situation/context. Skills required for communication include speaking, listening, writing, reading, and expressing (Adair, 2011). Effective communication ensures that information being shared is accurate, which is a very important requirement in building strong interpersonal relationship. ... scribes interpersonal communication as everyday encounters, and that interpersonal communication has a significant role in creating, maintaining and/or affecting personal, social and professional relationships. Since communication is the medium of expressing oneself and to know others besides transferring information, its impact penetrates or intersects all activities concerned with human behaviour. Keeping in mind such a significant impact of communication, Whetten and Cameron’s (2011) assertion of supportive communication with honesty and accuracy stands true and also seems important in difficult situations. The need for supportive communication is felt greater when the information to be delivered might not be in favour of the recipients but the intention of communication would be to improve the relationship, status, and/or situation; this process of communication would require specific approach and skills in order to achieve the purpose of communication. Examples of situati ons that necessitate supportive communication include providing negative feedback, handle conflicting views and resistance, problem-solving etc. The ultimate goal of supportive communication is to reinforce interpersonal relationship among two or more people by building trust and understanding while solving the issue/challenge through approaches that would not offend any person involved in the communication process. 2. There are eight principles to supportive communication. Four of the eight principles are: Congruence not Incongruence, Descriptive not Evaluative, Problem not Person Oriented and Specific not Global. Explain the meaning of the concepts and using ideas from your own experience give examples of their meaning. Whetten and Cameron (2011, p.265) have identified eight attributes of